Team 4Pac
... is one of the last remaining groups of freedom fighters still resisting the terror of the Taliban in the year 2002. Their home base is their former school, located in the small country of East Pac Realm.
The fearless leader of Team 4Pac, which is named after his comic strip “4Pac”, in which he made fun of teachers and students. He was given the leadership because he is conflict-shy and therefore the only one who is in good standing with everyone else. He also almost always keeps a cool head. His role models are Captain Picard and Lara Croft.
Big mouth, big ambitions: Gruftie wants to hold the highest office in the country one day, maybe even try to take over the world. But first, he himself would like to be the leader of the team, especially since he was once denied his role as class president... His impulsive tendencies often cause trouble, but on the other hand he does have the courage to stand up for what is right.
*Translates to “goth”, referring to his surname
Detractors claim that his brain works a little “differently”. Others say he’s just a bit slow. Known for his endless t-shirt collection and making puns constantly. He is the critical voice of the group, although it rarely receives much attention.
Trekkie. Knows everything about guns and martial arts from his PlayStation. Secretly addicted to various super drugs, such as cola and a cocktail that makes him super strong, dyes his hair blonde and makes him glow in the dark. Has a hopeless crush on Sandra.
**Spoken like “ciao-co”
The pretty girl of the group. Served as counselor aboard the starship Enterprise for an unknown amount of time, which must mean she has some emphatic powers. She's a newcomer among the freedom fighters, has no clue about games and often feels like she's in the wrong movie.
Was often the top of the class when it came to the grades, but is not a fast thinker and is therefore often scolded the classic blonde. Has the loudest laugh far and wide. She only recently realized that she has the rare ability to connect directly to and control the Matrix.
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